MSOE’s competitive programming club is a place where you can learn not how to program, but how to become a better programmer. We focus on algorithms and problem solving to supplement classes you are already in.
In Competitive Programming, we learn how to become a better programmer with a few key points. These are what we focus on:
If you’re looking to excel in this, you can strive to be in or replace MSOE’s current top team, the Kotlinaughts. They placed 2th at the ICPC North Central Regional this year. Another MSOE, CinCity, placed 15th, and both qualified for the first North American Divisional Championships. Last year, they qualified for the North American Championship in Atlanta, Georgia. There, they met with top companies such as SpaceX, IBM, and Jetbrains where they discussed internships as well as got a chance to show off their skills. In that competition, they placed 45th, but were competing against the top teams on the continent.
However, if you’re looking for something more laid back, many people choose to just go to the weekly meetings to pick up new skills or learn about problem solving. There are also many lower profile competitions through the year that you can go to without any pressure, just trying to solve some problems in a fun manner.
If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out to Sam Keyser, or join the # competitive-programming channel in the SSE Discord. He can be reached on