What do we do?

    In the Website Subclub, we learn different web development skills by maintaining real websites that are used at MSOE. The Website Subclub maintains this website that you’re currently on as well as other projects related to this website. In addition to maintaining the SSE website the Website Subclub also maintains the MSOE Student Government website here. All experience levels are welcome where we have are more basic website projects in which we manage basic static content of a site and more advanaced projects in which we make web requests to a RESTful API and fetch data from a database.


    All of the SSE website repositories can be found at this link here and all of the MSOE Student Government repositories can be found at this link here. To contribute to one of these repositories, create a new fork, do your development & submit a pull request with an intelligent message. Your request will be evaluated by our webmaster and (if necessary) the rest of the SSE eBoard or by MSOE Student Government Representatives.

    SSE Repositories

    msoe-sse.github.io: The source code for the website that you’re currently on written in the Jekyll framework

    sse-web-api: The source code for a REST API Web application for the SSE website written using the Flask framework in Python. It’s used to fetch and format data so that it can be easily displayed on the SSE website. Currently it’s used to fetch SSE member’s attendance data for the points leaderboard here

    jekyll-post-editor: The source code for a Ruby on Rails MVC application in which SSE eboard members and other SSE members can write and submit posts for the SSE website.

    jekyll-post-editor-test-repo: The source code containing a copy of the SSE website used for testing the jekyll-post-editor.

    historian: The source code for a slack plugin used for saving useful resources for the SSE website (currently unreleased).

    MSOE Student Government Repositories

    msoe-sg.github.io: The source code for the MSOE Student Government Website written in the Jekyll framework.

    msoe-sg-editor-ui: The source code for a web application written in React used for editing the MSOE Student Government Website

    msoe-sg-editor-api: The source code for a Ruby on Rails REST API web application used for editing the MSOE Student Government website.

    Who can I contact if I am interested or want to know more?

    If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out to David litton, or join the # website channel in the SSE Discord. He can be reached on